

What is your hookah setup preference?

With the market constantly changing not only here but overseas my preferences throughout the years have changed. I previously tended to like a more restricted draw whereas now I prefer  a little more open draw. My number one setup will always be a Regal hookah as it holds sentimental value for being the very first hookah I ever owned. I was gifted a Pink Dymondwood by my boyfriend for our first Christmas together and my collection of Regals has only grown over the years as I consider them unique pieces of artwork. My other favorite hookah for the past year has been my DSH ECO, most “high end” hookahs nowadays will perform at a decent level however there is something really special about my DSH hookah. I can’t put my finger on it but I feel like anyone would be happy owning one.

What is your go to bowl?

So I have had the chance to try many bowls and I have a decent collection that I rotate through but I always come back to my Alpaca bowls and Urb bowls. My favorite Alpaca bowl is the Suri, it's easy to pack and comes in some of my favorite colors! I know Urb is a newer brand on the market but I fell in love with the Pyra bowl, I actually used its shorter brother the Burj on my Hookah Battle hookah at HEW 4.5! Right now I have been getting to play around the Chub bowl and have been thoroughly enjoying it! 

What is your favorite hose/hoses and why?

So I have to make an honorable mention for the first hose I fell in love with, the Art Aviator hose that changed the game years ago! It was my first expensive hose purchase I had made and changed the way I thought about the importance of even a hose in a setup. Currently I have two hoses in my rotation. My B2 hose and my thunder hose, I love them because they are both lightweight simple designs. 

Top Mixes

  1. Kashmir Black will always hold a special place in my heart, Kashmir flavors were never in my top favorites until this was released. I can’t even estimate how many kilos I have gone through in the past three years. Even though I am currently taking a break from it please give it a try you will either love it or hate it. Kashmir Black straight up or mix a little Wintergreen in for something different.
  2. My second mix comes from a good friend of mine Sally over on instagram at theshishasavage. We formed a Hookah Battle team and as she doesn’t live in the same state as me her job was to come up with a mix for our entry. Our mix was Alpha Cane Mint, Papaya Sorbet, Pikina Sun, Brambleberry, and Pear Watermelon. I was really hesitant with some of the flavors she chose but this mix ended up winning us first place. Now if you are to take away anything from this mix please please try Pear Watermelon it is my top flavor of 2022 currently.
  3. Living by the beach makes it feel like summer year round, my next mix is inspired by that “summertime feeling”  , a sweet yet tart mix that I can share with my friends. I like to mix Sour Watermelon, Strawberry, with a pinch of Extreme Cane Mint.
  4. I can give mixes all day but I tend to like to keep things simple nowadays unless I am attending one of the international expos. That's when I am willing to try anything, unless it’s Salami, keep that flavor away! My last mix will be one that not many currently will be able to try but if you have the opportunity go for it! I attended Hookah Club Show in Russia and tried some interesting flavors by Sebero. I ended up really liking the Tomato and Thyme mix. It's a unique flavor that normally wouldn’t be seen over here but I really enjoyed it!

How I got into hookah!

I got introduced to hookah back in 2012, it was my birthday and some friends of mine took me to the local Starbuzz hookah lounge in Temecula, I had never seen a hookah before and was intrigued. Hookah soon became a fun thing to do with friends as I liked the atmosphere of  lounges versus going out to a club.

I first started working at a newly opened lounge, Vapor hookah lounge. I managed it for about two years before investing and becoming business partners with Ron. Throughout that time I also had the opportunity to work with different brands on various projects. I now work for George over at Regal Hookah and have never loved any job more, getting to work in the industry is fun, getting to work for someone as kindhearted and passionate about hookah as George is, there is truly no other job that could match this.

So I have gotten to talk to many people within the industry and I strongly feel we as a community need to stick together now more than ever! I fell in love with hookah and have met many lifelong friends in this hobby. Many of my vacations are geared towards going to various hookah events here and internationally. I would love to see our enthusiast community grow, I see the European market taking off and new brands popping up everyday. I want that for us here in the US. The bigger the enthusiast market the more innovation we will see in products. 

In general, hookah as a hobby is a great pastime, I love the online communities that  I am a part of. I love traveling to meetups and expos. I love the different cultures and people I have gotten to meet and learn about. I am lucky enough to still get to work in this industry and I will never take that for granted. To wake up everyday and get to work in an industry you love is worth everything. Every industry has its little dramas here and there but for the most we are one big family.

Lastly I would love to shout out some friends, firstly we have to give the National Hookah Community Association props for fighting to #SaveHookah in not only California but also across the US. It’s a small but mighty group of brands and people that are putting everything they have into saving our industry. Sign up for a free membership here:

Secondly I have to shout out my online hookah family. I have been a part of and even started a couple of online hookah communities but nothing will ever come close to the sense of family that Hookah University brings to me. This group has gone above and beyond to always support me and my adventures in the hookah industry. If you are looking for a community where you can grow your knowledge and skills of hookah, this is the place to be. Find them on Facebook:

Follow and support Neeve in her Hookah Journey!